Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm Totally Lost

I can't believe they killed off Juliette & Sawyer in one episode!
Oh yea - Spoiler Alert!


Kurt said...

just kidding

VikingMom said...

Jerk...see if I ever trust one of your posts again.

The nerve of some people. Sheesh!

VikingMom said...

P.S. I bet Kristi's gonna kick you in the shins for that one.

Kristi said...

totally kicking you in the shins. but don't worry, i have learned i can't trust you and didn't look at your blog until after i saw the show.


Jon in HB said...

Gina didn't get it. She read it and just kept saying, "they didn't die, what's he talking about?"

johnsonandjohnson said...

Okay, so I was having a really bad day yesterday---decided that I would do some blog reading to lighten my day---read your blog and was so upset because I didn't have time to watch Lost yet. So, Brian and I watched it---it was getting closer and closer to the end and I am thinking, "boy, they sure didn't give much time for Sawyer since it is last episode." Still waiting for them to die it says LOST on the screen. So, yes, you got me too---