Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fess Up #1 - Strange Aversions

It seems like most people I know have one or two strange aversions.  Mine is band-aids.  I consider them to the most foul, unsanitary, and germ-ridden of all necessary evils.  They don't just absorb blood.  They hold the blood against you and mix it with whatever dirt, sweat, and whatever else you produce or come into contact with throughout the day.  I will bleed for hours before resorting to a band-aid.  One of my favorite products is New Skin, which is basically a way of super-gluing minor cuts and scrapes closed.   
Then there's the practice of giving children unnecessary bandages to make them "feel better". Kids are dirty enough without having an adhesive strip attached that will grab whatever filth they come into contact with and add it to their sweat and snot and germs and food residue.  When a child of mine wants a band-aid I just say. "Let it air out."
There - Absolutely cathartic!  
So what's your strange aversion?  Get it off your chest.  It'll make you feel better.


VikingMom said...

Hmmm....let's see. Bandaids are meant to keep the bad stuff out. Yes, out. Just thought I'd let you know that.

As for my #1 aversion I avoid housework as much as possible. It's hazardous to your health.

My musical avoidances are Christian radio, Radio Disney and most things ever written by someone with the name "Gaither".

Food? Organ meats, menudo and lima beans.

I think that's enough for now.

Billy and Laurel said...

I thought you went to Fun CPR. There we learned about keeping wounds clean. "Letting it air out" only allows the germs in the air in. You are afraid of the dirt you can see while ignoring the airborne germs you can't.

Kurt said...

exactly - i guess thats why the aversion is strange

Sarah B. said...

Ok, if we are being totally honest here....and its getting late, I'm tired, all the excuses I have before I answer with complete honesty. My #1 strange aversion...don't sisters boobs. I stay as far away from those things as possible. One arm hug, anything to keep them away from me. Sorry for going there.

Billy and Laurel said...

I try to stay away from your sister's boobs as well.

Heidi said...

Hmmmm.... Can't really follow that one.

Billy and Laurel said...

I guess I am a thread killer.

Kristi said...

ooh wow...the blog rave has taken a turn.

Billy and Laurel said...

Sorry if my comments offend. I try to avoid all mammaries. (Unless they are attached to my wife.)

If I need to delete my comment, please let me know.

Kristi said...

i'm offended. make him delete it.

Kristi said...

I think Curtis has an aversion to the Blog Rave.

My aversion - soggy bread. Oh, and Todai.

VikingMom said...

Another aversion:


'Nuff said.