Friday, September 12, 2008


It's 9:30pm and Heidi is in a mood.  I'll just get to the point here.  She's having PMS.  She sends me to the store to get supplies... chocolate therapy. 

"I want brownies."

"Do you want ice cream?"

"No.  Yuck.  Sick.  I'm so over ice cream.  I don't like ice cream anymore."

"Okay.  (trying to keep a straight face)  I'll get brownies."

"I want ones with frosting."

"Okay - chocolate, or cream cheese?"

"They ALL have chocolate frosting."

"Well, actually, some people make them with creme cheese or butter cream frosting."

"Yea.  Well those people should be tied up and shot." 

I get to the store.  I pick up frosted brownies and chocolate fudge ice cream (sometimes I know her better than she does).  I go to the check out lane.  Dead serious here.  Dude in front of me has two cartons of Ben and Jerry's, a bottle of Midol, and a bottle of wine.  

"Dude, we are so in the same boat."

(He looks at my order.) "Yea.  It's pretty bad."

"Good luck, man."

"You to."


Kristi said...

Oh Kurt. Wow. You are a good man.

johnsonandjohnson said...

that made me chuckle.

christie walker said...

oh crap!!! That is SO funny!
And i must add... what a good husband you are to go and do that.

discomommy said...

You are a good man but totally sold her out!

Billy said...

That may be the funniest thing I have ever read!

Stacey said...


however....are you still alive after sharing that amazing story?

The Craftypigs said...

You are a saint!

Heidi said...

Yeah, yeah - okay you folks have had your fun. And of course, Kurt IS a fantastic husband. I am in no way trying to negate his wonderful qualities.

But I think it's important that we not overlook the other (unspoken, I might add) driving force in this story:

Kurt's desire for Self-preservation. Going to the store was not merely an act of altruism. It was an act of simple survival.

I think I just made myself a little worse but hey! There's nothing pretty about PMS.