Saturday, February 9, 2008

I never saw the point - till now

I'm giving in.  I finally have a reason to blog.  

My initial experiences with blogs were negative, so the whole thing turned me off.  The first blogs I read were written by a few adultolescents I knew who had double-lives.  In person they were respectful & decent individuals who had moral standards.  But online they had deprived, morally deficient alter-egos.  They used filthy language and discussed their most personal inner-desires and thoughts - often inappropriate.  I called it "online exhibitionism". Like flashing the world with your innermost depravity.

Later I saw it used as a passive-aggressive vehicle for catharsis; A way of getting something off your chest that you would never say to someone in person.  Being one who struggles against his own passive-aggressive tendencies,  I stayed clear of the whole thing.

Till now...

Our friends Curtis & Kristi (raise a glass) have two little girls who have been sick.  Within a day of each other, both girls have been rushed to the ER, then hospitalized at CHOC.  This morning I woke up at 7:15, eager to find out what was going on with Haley, but reluctant to call so early. I was so glad to find that Kristi had updated her bog late last night - reporting the latest and letting us know that progress was being made.  The blog kept us up to date.  It helped us to know ow to pray.  It kept us connected.  I thought about the few blogs I have checked in on lately, and how I feel more connected to my blogging friends in little ways.

This made me realize that for years I only really saw the "dark side" of blogdom.  This gives me a purpose to blog; to stay connected to friends and family I don't get to see as often as I'd like (which is pretty much all my friends and family).  I know this should have been obvious.  But I was so tainted by previous experiences that the obvious advantages of blogging eluded me.

So I join you my friends!  Let the blogging begin!


Billy and Laurel said...

I deleted the previous point because I wanted to make sure you knew I said what I said not "billy and laurel".

So Billy says. . .

keep posting and don't turn to the dark side or I will call you on it.

VikingMom said...

Welcome to the vast expanse of blogging from which there is no return! Soon you'll find yourself creating blogs in your sleep or any other time of the day. When your kid sticks a foreign object up his immediately think-"blog!" Many hours will be spent refreshing your friends pages waiting for updates and you'll pride yourself when you're the first one who comments on their post. Having said all that, blogging is good for the soul. But then again, it could be worse.


Kristi said...

Welcome Kurt...after reading your blog, i decided to update mine tonight....but first i must say a huge thanks for the prayers, thoughts, and a special thanks for the balloons and little stuffed dog. That meant SO much to Haley. We are blessed to call you friends and look forward to connecting via blogs...but hopefully soon...oh so person.

Don said...

I'm beginning to think that blogging is as contagious as Roto-Virus! I know of at least 4 people who've started this week!

This is fantastic, Kurt. I didn't share your negative views of blogs so much as a plain ole fear of doing it. But like Laurel says, once you get started it's like jumping onto a run-away train.

I'm even talking with old friends back east about trying to get a blog network going--to reconnect with friends who've slipped away through time and distance.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts!

Stacey said...

Yea!!! One more blog to add to my addiction.