Thursday, February 28, 2008

Old Ladies Love Me

Okay - so I'm getting my hair cut today, and as I'm getting out of the chair I hear this lady (circa 70) say as loudly as she can to another lady (circa 80), "My goodness!  What a handsome young man!"  
Embarrassed, I give a sheepish grin.  That was a mistake.  It encouraged her.  
"Boy, you're a looker.  Isn't he a looker Blanch."  (I'm not making this up.  Her name was Blanch.)
"Oh yes!"  Blanch agrees, "You must have your pick of the ladies!"

"Not if my wife has anything to say about it" I retort, "And she does."

There are other men around and at this point I want to crawl into a hole.  I'm trying to pay and get out as fast as possible, but it's taking forever.
It continues.  
"My goodness I bet your wife has to beat em off with a stick!"

I guess that a smile or flirtatious comment from some young college girl would provide a little boost for the ego.  I suppose a prolonged look from some pretty service rep at the mall would be a novel thing.

But I wouldn't know, because that's never - ever - the case with me. With me it's old ladies.  It's always been old ladies. And so I guess I should just graciously join the ranks of my - um - contemporaries?...


Billy and Laurel said...

I've heard the ladies are lovely at Leisure World. . .


Billy and Laurel said...

Is your name OLLCool K?

Old Ladies Love Kurt


Billy and Laurel said...

This is too easy. I cannot be as vulnerable as you are Kurt. And I appreciate it. So do Old Ladies.


VikingMom said...

Okay...I'm cutting Billy off now. He's losing it. (Must be jealous about the lovely ladies.)

John B said...

Thank Goodness!!! I thought I was the only one - old ladies and babies. The babies don't say much just smile and stare, but the old ladies love to get a comment in - especially embarrasing while you're at work (dressed like a pirate).

Kristi said...

to be fair, when i was in college all of my friends thought you were hot....but then again, so did my grandma! :o)

christie walker said...

First of all, who in the world cut your hair?

Second of all, why wasn't it me?

Thirdly, I don't really know what to say about the old ladies. I guess be glad they were ladies and not old men. That would be even stranger.