Thursday, February 14, 2008

Over-thinking It

The blogging community is a new social arena for me.  And nothing stirs one's insecurities like a new social setting.  We have an amazing ability to attach meaning or intent where there is none.

Deep inside my insecurities are always overanalyzing things...

Another comment by so-and-so.  He's put comments on half my entries, which means he frequently checks in on my blog.  But am I on his "Blog Friends" list? No!  Sure, come by and read a little, drop your comment, and have a good time at my expense.  But where's the commitment?   Are you ashamed to let others know about our exchanges?

Then today I get a comment from an old friend.  I go to check out her blog, and it's exclusive. You have to be invited, and I'm not invited.  So what was that?  You can come hang in my cyberhood, but I'm not allowed in yours.  What - were you just slumming today?  Left your fancy gated cyber-community for a while and now I'm sitting at the gate being turned around by the guard because I'm not on your list?

Makes you wonder who else in looking at my blog; looking without posting anything.  They're like virtual voyeurs spying on me - violating my privacy.  How dare they not post anything; making their presence known.

But the worst thing of all is that snotty little tag that reads "0 comments" or in other words, "Nobody thought anything of what you wrote."  I poured my heart into that post!  It was inspired!  I felt the spirit move as my trembling hands danced across he keyboard weaving a tapestry of inspiration... and nobody liked it!  Am I stupid?  Was my inspired discourse really just an incoherent disquisition? What do I do?  Do I remove the post?  Why "0 comments"? Why!?

Maybe I'm not doing my part.  Have I taken the time to post on other people's blogs?  Maybe they feel shunned by me.  If I want to have blog buddies I need to be a blog buddy.  That's it!  I'll post like crazy on other people's blogs and before I know it my comment tabs will be overflowing!  I gotta go!


Jon in HB said...

So you've totally made feel like a voyeur, checking out what people write on their blogs. Now that I've been outed, I've added links to the blogs I read on mine. And it's nice to know I'm not the only one with blog anxieties.

Kristi said... you said what we're all thinking.

Do you know that every year there is a National Come Out of the Closet Blog Day...where you are supposed to state that you read ones blog.

I am always curious to know who is reading mine. I've been in conversation before with people who have said something about something they read on my blog, and I thought "interesting...I have never given you my address...." it makes you think before you write certain never know who is "listening."

VikingMom said...

Oh Kristi...I just had that revelation that other people read these things besides your usual group. Duh!

As for the subject--it's so true. I spent all day Thursday in agony because no one had posted any comments on my "Valentine's" post. Then it dawned on me...I was probably the only stuck at home reading blogs during the day...the work day. Kudos to you Kurt for saying what we all think!

Roni said...

ROTFL!!! Kurt, that is SO funny! I was just thinking about this, because I just recently started a blog. I, too, am suffering from blog insecurities. When I first started and sent the link out to my sisters, one sister said, "I hope this is private and not public--you have personal information on there!" So I made it private. But I'm re-thinking that, and I think I'll go back and make it public. I don't really see a risk.

Anyway, I figured I'd better let you know that I'm reading your blog. When Lexi and Haley were in the hospital, Don sent a link to his and Kristi's blogs out to the choir so we could get updates. What a discovery! Like I needed to find another reason to spend hours on my computer...but there ya have it!

johnsonandjohnson said...

Okay, so this is the first time I have visited your blog and for some reason I feel compelled to write a comment---I can't imagine why. Call it inspiration.

discomommy said...


I have never read your Blog before but my husband made me read it. I would feel ashamed if I didn't comment but really have nothing witty to say.