Wednesday, May 21, 2008


we're all so proud


VikingMom said...

You think you're clever, don't you? You gotta come up with something better than puking in front of your friends. That's a real shocker that gets them everytime!

discomommy said...

Stupid DVR cut it off right after he said that. Jon and I were sitting in stunned silence. We had to go on you tube to see who won and the reaction.

Stacey said...

...Which is why you have to DVR the show following. I learned that the hard way. Remembered to do it last night though and saw the extra 5 minutes of performing. Yea for David Cook!!! Ok, he got me the night before when he cried. I knew he was gonna win it right then and there. He even inspired me to vote for the first time this year.

Billy said...

I remembered to record the next show three minutes before it would have stopped. Whomp, whomp. . . to the Michells.

Heidi said...

You can also go into Season Pass Manager, select that show and adjust it so that it starts recording early and continues on passed the show

Don said...

We forgot to do the extra 5 minutes too.

FORTUNATELY, our particular machine managed to hang in there, literally, just as Ryan announced Cook as the winner. I mean, the word "Cook" came out of his mouth and the timer ran out. I would have enjoyed the extra stuff, but at least I didn't have to cuss and search online for the results.

I think Simon did his apology spiel only because he knew Cook won, and he didn't want to look like an idiot.

Stacey said...

Don, That's exactly what I thought. I didn't get why he thought it was a "knock-out" anyway. I think David Cook
could've had better song choices but I didn't think it was as one sided as Simon called it. Besides, DC is a much better interview that DA. i don't I could have taken watching DA doing all the talk show circuit...his speaking skills are painful to watch.

VikingMom said...

Wow! A David won American Idol season 8 too? Oh may seem like a year since you last blogged but its only been 8 days.

I kid because I care.