Saturday, May 3, 2008

Now Discover Your Strengths

I think everybody should read this book.  I shared it with our children's ministry team today and it gave us a lot of insight into each other's gifts, talents, and desires.  The basic idea is how the most effective people don't focus on their weaknesses, but on their strengths.  I have found the implementation of this book's ideas to be encouraging, liberating, fascinating, and revolutionary.  It preaches that we need to stop getting hung up on all the stuff we stink at.  Blow off you weaknesses and focus on the things you can do well.  No exaggeration - it's probably in the top 5 books I've ever read.


VikingMom said...

So, if my obvious weakness is exercise...can I just blow it off? What about cleaning the house? My family can attest to both of those severe deficiencies.

Don said...

The faculty at HOPE did this book together my last year there. It was a great book--in spite of its distractors. :)

What I liked was that it helped eliminate the self-torture we put ourselves through trying to "be" something or do things that are outside our area of giftedness. Plus it was fun to discover strengths you might not even realize you had (have).

Don said...

BTW, I discovered it "played to my strengths" to leave HIU shortly thereafter. HAHA

Out said...

Sounds interesting! I wonder if I can use this to get out of some household chores? "Hey Honey...I would love to help you with that, but I really am not gifted in that!" I will give it a try...and if I survive...I will let you know how it works! :o)

fran said...

I would be interested to know if anyone has read YOUR CHILDS STRENGTHS by Jenifer Fox. This book came out this past March. Marcus B. endorses it in the foreword.

Billy and Laurel said...

Apparently "blogging updates" are not one of your strengths. I am glad to see that you are not working on this weakness.

VikingMom said...

I've learned a thing about my strengths from this book. Like the fact that one of my strengths: "strategic" results in my worst habit...worry. Not spin your wheels kind of worry, but worry that has me scheming and figuring things out before they even happen. As in I count the number of seats in the airplane to the exit kind of worry. And yes, I actually look at the safety brochure every time I fly.

VikingMom said...

By the way, I strategically posted hoping it would catch your attention and remind you that your blog is getting in danger of attainging abandoned status.